Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has developed the SPARKLE code, which is a PWR plant system transient analysis code that includes a three-dimensional (3D) neutronics module coupled with a thermal-hydraulics module. MHI has performed a study of the applicability of the SPARKLE code to the events which are associated with dynamic changes in power distribution, such as the rod ejection event or the steam line break event. In this paper, MHI has applied the SPARKLE code to the control rod drop event (drop of multiple rods), which features such a power distribution change. In addition, the neutron flux detection is dependent on the location of the dropped rods in this event, which can be dynamically calculated in the SPARKLE code. By applying the SPARKLE code to the control rod drop event, it was confirmed that the safety margin for this event is sufficiently larger than the margin calculated using the current safety analysis method, even if the appropriate conservative assumptions are made.

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