The large-scale iodine test Iod-9 of the German THAI programme was jointly interpreted by means of post-test analyses within the THAI Circle of the SARNET/WP16. In this test, molecular iodine (I2) was injected into the vessel dome of the 60 m3 THAI vessel to observe the evolution of its distribution between water, gas, and surfaces. The main processes addressed in Iod-9 are (a) mass transfer of I2 between the gas and the two sumps, (b) iodine transport in the main sump when it is stratified and then mixed, and (c) I2 adsorption onto, and desorption from, the vessel walls in the presence and absence of wall condensation. The codes applied by the THAI Circle partners were ASTEC-IODE (IRSN), COCOSYS-AIM (GRS) and LIRIC (AECL). IODE and AIM are semi-empirical iodine models integrated in the lumped-parameter codes ASTEC and COCOSYS respectively. With both codes multi-compartment iodine calculations can be performed. LIRIC is a mechanistic iodine model for single stand-alone calculations. The simulation results are compared with each other and with the experimental measurements. Special issues that were encountered during this work were studied in more detail: I2 diffusion in the sump water, I2 reaction with the steel of the vessel wall in gaseous and aqueous phases, and I2 mass transfer from the gas to the sump. Iodine transport and behaviour in THAI test Iod-9 are fairly well simulated by ASTEC-IODE, COCOSYS-AIM and LIRIC in post-test calculations. The measured iodine behaviour is well understood and all measured data are found to be consistent. The very slow iodine transport within the stratified main sump was simulated with COCOSYS only, in a qualitative way. Consequently, this work highlighted the need to improve modelling of (a) the wet iodine adsorption and the washdown from the walls, (b) the I2 mass transfer between gas and sump, and (c) the I2/steel reaction in the gaseous and aqueous phases. In any case, the analysis of the large-scale iodine test Iod-9 has been an important validation step for the codes applied.
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17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 12–16, 2009
Brussels, Belgium
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
ASTEC, COCOSYS, and LIRIC Interpretation of the Iodine Behaviour in the Large-Scale THAI Test Iod-9
G. Weber,
G. Weber
Gesellschaft fu¨r Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Garching, Germany
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L. Bosland,
L. Bosland
Institut de Radioprotection et de Suˆrete´ Nucle´aire, Saint Paul Lez Durance, France
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G. Glowa,
G. Glowa
AECL Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, ON, Canada
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T. Kanzleiter
T. Kanzleiter
Becker Technologies GmbH, Eschborn, Germany
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G. Weber
Gesellschaft fu¨r Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Garching, Germany
L. Bosland
Institut de Radioprotection et de Suˆrete´ Nucle´aire, Saint Paul Lez Durance, France
F. Funke
AREVA NP GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
G. Glowa
AECL Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, ON, Canada
T. Kanzleiter
Becker Technologies GmbH, Eschborn, Germany
Paper No:
ICONE17-75414, pp. 519-531; 13 pages
Published Online:
February 25, 2010
Weber, G, Bosland, L, Funke, F, Glowa, G, & Kanzleiter, T. "ASTEC, COCOSYS, and LIRIC Interpretation of the Iodine Behaviour in the Large-Scale THAI Test Iod-9." Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 2: Structural Integrity; Safety and Security; Advanced Applications of Nuclear Technology; Balance of Plant for Nuclear Applications. Brussels, Belgium. July 12–16, 2009. pp. 519-531. ASME.
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