Some four hundred Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) and Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) have been in operation for several decades. The presented concept, the High Pressure Boiling Water Reactor (HP-BWR) makes use of the operating experiences. HP-BWR combines the advantages and leaves out the disadvantages of the traditional BWRs and PWRs by taking in consideration the experiences gained during their operation. The best parts of the two traditional reactor types are used and the troublesome components are left out. HP-BWR major benefits: 1. Safety is improved; -Gravity operated control rods -Large space for the cross formed control rods between fuel boxes -Bottom of the reactor vessel without numerous control rod penetrations -All the pipe connections to the reactor vessel are well above the top of the reactor core -Core spray is not needed -Internal circulation pumps are used. 2. Environment friendly; -Improved thermal efficiency, feeding the turbine with ∼340°C (15 MPa) steam instead of ∼285°C (7MPa) -Less warm water release to the recipient and less uranium consumption per produced kWh and consequently less waste is produced. 3. Cost effective, simple; -Direct cycle, no need for complicated steam generators -Steam separators inside the reactor vessel, and steam dryers together with additional separators can be installed inside or outside the containment -Simple dry containment.
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17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 12–16, 2009
Brussels, Belgium
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Concept of a High Pressure Boiling Water Reactor, HP-BWR
Frigyes Reisch,
Frigyes Reisch
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
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Hernan Tinoco
Hernan Tinoco
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, O¨sthammar, Sweden
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Frigyes Reisch
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Hernan Tinoco
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, O¨sthammar, Sweden
Paper No:
ICONE17-75032, pp. 787-792; 6 pages
Published Online:
February 25, 2010
Reisch, F, & Tinoco, H. "Concept of a High Pressure Boiling Water Reactor, HP-BWR." Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 1: Plant Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Modifications and Life Cycle; Component Reliability and Materials Issues; Next Generation Systems. Brussels, Belgium. July 12–16, 2009. pp. 787-792. ASME.
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