There are over ten thousand piping supports in a NPP. Piping supports are generally divided into two groups, one is standard and the other is non-standard. No matter to which group the support belongs, should it be proved to withstand the loads acting on it with sufficient design margin following the requirements of ASME or AISC code. With the development of the computer soft ware and hardware, we use 3D mathematic model to do stress analysis for the support. The model is a combination of linear element and nonlinear element, elastic material properties and inelastic material properties. For this composite model, we use plastic limit load analysis to determine assessment section, and use linearizing method to evaluate the section, and use simplified method to model nonlinear boundary conditions. At the end, a computer program is accomplished to perform analysis and evaluation for the supports efficiently and rapidly. The program not only can be used to establish standard support manual, but also can be used to perform analysis and evaluation for the non-standard support in the field.
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16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
May 11–15, 2008
Orlando, Florida, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Piping Supports Design by Analysis and Computer Program Development for NPPs
Bingbing Liang,
Bingbing Liang
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
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Xuewei Sun,
Xuewei Sun
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
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Gang Li,
Gang Li
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
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Haifeng Yin
Haifeng Yin
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
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Bingbing Liang
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
Xuewei Sun
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
Gang Li
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
Haifeng Yin
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Shanghai, China
Paper No:
ICONE16-48277, pp. 89-94; 6 pages
Published Online:
June 24, 2009
Liang, B, Sun, X, Li, G, & Yin, H. "Piping Supports Design by Analysis and Computer Program Development for NPPs." Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 4: Structural Integrity; Next Generation Systems; Safety and Security; Low Level Waste Management and Decommissioning; Near Term Deployment: Plant Designs, Licensing, Construction, Workforce and Public Acceptance. Orlando, Florida, USA. May 11–15, 2008. pp. 89-94. ASME.
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