A postulated Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) for a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) results in the escape of high-pressure, high-temperature subcooled coolant from the pipe break location. As the coolant escapes from the break, it forms a two-phase jet. The impingement of a two-phase jet may damage protective coatings used on surfaces inside the reactor containment building, resulting in the generation of coatings debris. The coatings debris may be transported to the pool forming on the containment floor. When the Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) and the Containment Spray (CS) Systems are realigned to draw suction from the containment sump, the coatings debris can be transported to the containment sump screen. Large amounts of coatings debris at the sump screen may contribute to undesirable head losses across the sump screen and have undesirable effects on components downstream of the screen. This paper presents the experimental program undertaken to study the performance of Design Basis Accident (DBA) Qualified/Acceptable coating systems typically used inside PWR containments under jet impingement loads, temperatures and pressures associated with a postulated large break LOCA. The coating systems were applied to both carbon steel and concrete substrates consistent with the manner in which the coating systems were applied for DBA testing. A total of eight (8) coupons were subjected to the thermal and hydraulic processes and phenomena associated with jet impingement that would result from the coatings being in close proximity to a postulated large break LOCA. A description of the test protocol, the test facility, and the test conditions is presented, along with post-test inspection summaries for the individual test coupons. This paper will also discuss the extension of the test data to other DBA Qualified/Acceptable epoxy coating systems and untopcoated IOZ coating systems.

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