Generic Safety Issue (GSI) 191 deals with the potential for generation and transport of debris following a design basis accident that is in excess of quantities assumed in the original design basis and licensing of Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plants. In addition to physical modifications to the sump screens to comply with the Generic Letter requirements, some plants have also changed Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) to include contingency actions to prevent debris-induced loss of long term core cooling. ASME Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) standard RA-Sb-2005 requires that the plant PRA be maintained and updated to reflect the current plant design and operation. Development of PRA models to quantify the potential for debris-induced loss of long term core cooling supports the PRA updated to reflect the as-built as-operated plant. The PWR Owners Group (PWROG) has undertaken a program to develop a generic PRA model for this issue. The generic PRA model was developed to address the overall plant risk, including new physical and procedural modifications. The model also addresses applications, such as Maintenance Rule screening and the assessment of the risk significance of deviations from the licensing basis analyses. The new PRA model probabilistically treats several facets of the potential for debris-induced challenges to long term core cooling; including debris generation and transport as a function of Reactor Coolant System (RCS) break size and location. The PRA model will permit plant operators to easily incorporate the potential for inadequate core cooling during emergency core cooling recirculation from the containment sump into their PRA Level 1 and Level 2 models. The methodology is based on realistically modeling the conditions that may lead to a debris-induced loss of long term core cooling. The PWROG model also includes consideration of water management strategies being implemented by several PWR plant operators.

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