Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) gas turbine systems can generate power at a high cycle thermal efficiency, even at modest temperatures of 500–550°C. That high thermal efficiency is attributed to a markedly reduced compressor work in the vicinity of critical point. In addition, the reaction between sodium (Na) and CO2 is milder than that between H2O and Na. Consequently, a more reliable and economically advantageous power generation system can be created by coupling with a Na-cooled fast breeder reactor. In a supercritical CO2 turbine system, a partial cooling cycle is employed to compensate a difference in heat capacity for the high-temperature — low-pressure side and low-temperature — high-pressure side of the recuperators to achieve high cycle thermal efficiency. In our previous work, a conceptual design of the system was produced for conditions of reactor thermal power of 600 MW, turbine inlet condition of 20 MPa/527°C, recuperators 1 and 2 effectiveness of 98%/95%, Intermediate Heat Exchanger (IHX) pressure loss of 8.65%, a turbine adiabatic efficiency of 93%, and a compressor adiabatic efficiency of 88%. Results revealed that high cycle thermal efficiency of 43% can be achieved. In this cycle, three different compressors, i.e., a low-pressure compressor, a high-pressure compressor, and a bypass compressor are included. In the compressor regime, the values of properties such as specific heat and density vary sharply and nonlinearly, dependent upon the pressure and temperature. Therefore, the influences of such property changes on compressor design should be clarified. To obtain experimental data for the compressor performance in the field near the critical point, a supercritical CO2 compressor test project was started at the Tokyo Institute of Technology on June 2007 with funding from MEXT, Japan. In this project, a small centrifugal CO2 compressor will be fabricated and tested. During fiscal year (FY) 2007, test loop components will be fabricated. During FY 2008, the test compressor will be fabricated and installed into the test loop. In FY 2009, tests will be conducted. This paper introduces the concept of a test loop and component designs for the cooler, heater, and control valves. A computer simulation program of static operation was developed based on detailed designs of components and a preliminary design of the compressor. The test operation regime is drawn for the test parameters.

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