A narrow annular test section of 1.5mm gap and 1800mm length was designed and manufactured, with good tightness and insulation. Experiments were carried out to investigate characteristics of flow instability of forced-convection in vertical narrow annuli. Using distilled water as work fluid, the experiments were conducted at pressures of 1.0∼3.0MPa, mass flow rates of 3.0∼25kg/h, heating power of 3.0∼ 6.5kW and inlet fluid temperature of 20 °C, 40 °C or 60°C. It was found that flow instability occured with fixed inlet condition and heating power when mass flow rate was below a special value. Effects of inlet subcooling, system pressure and mass flow rate on the system behavior were studied. The instability region is given, which has satisfactory agreement with results of the calculation based on the assumption of homogenous two-phase flow and thermodynamic equilibrium of the phases.

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