This paper presents recent advances in the development and validation of the two-phase flow topology models implemented in CFD-BWR, an advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) computer code that allows the detailed analysis of the two-phase flow and heat transfer phenomena in Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) fuel assemblies under various operating conditions. The local inter-phase surface topology plays a central role in determining the mass, momentum, and energy exchanges between the liquid and vapor phases and between the two-phase coolant and the fuel pin cladding. The paper describes the topology map used to determine the local inter-phase surface topology and the role of the local topology in determining the inter-phase mass, momentum, and energy transfer. It discusses the relationship between the local interphase surface topology and the traditional channel flow regimes and presents results of experiment analyses in which computed local topologies are aggregated into flow regimes and compared with experimental observations.

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