The Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC), Japan set up the taskforce on introduction of risk informed regulation (RIR) into nuclear safety regulations in April 2004. Since then the taskforce (Chairperson: Prof. Genki Yagawa, Toyo university) has reviewed the status of risk considerations at related organizations and discussed the issues for developing RIR in Japan. Recently, the taskforce prepared the interim report on the review results and discussions, and NSC approved it in December 2005. The report described that the risk consideration in related organizations in Japan has made progress in line mostly with the NSC’s basic policy for introduction of RIR expressed in 2003. However, the following topics were identified as important issues for further promotion of RIR introduction: policy for utilization of risk information considering Japanese features, usage of safety goals and performance objectives in RIR, decision-making process using risk information, pilot program, PSA quality, improvement of safety examination guidelines considering risk information, utilization of risk information in nuclear fuel cycle facilities and risk communication.

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