Asymmetric thermal-hydraulic conditions among primary loops during a postulated steam line break (SLB) induce a non-uniform temperature distribution at a core inlet. When coolant of lower temperature intrudes into a part of core, it leads to a reactivity insertion and a local power increase. Therefore, an appropriate model for the core inlet temperature distribution is required for a realistic SLB analysis. In this study, numerical experiments were conducted to examine the core inlet temperature distribution under the asymmetric thermal-hydraulic coolant conditions among primary loops. 3D steady-state calculations were carried out for Japanese standard Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) such as 2, 3, 4 loop types and an advanced PWR. Since the flow in a reactor vessel involves time-dependent velocity fluctuations due to a high Reynolds number condition and a complicated geometry of flow path, the turbulent mixing might be enhanced. Hence, the turbulent thermal diffusivity for the steady-state calculation was examined based on experimental results and another transient calculation. As a result, it was confirmed that (1) the turbulent mixing in a downcomer and a lower plenum were enhanced due to time-dependent velocity fluctuations and therefore the turbulent thermal diffusivity for steady-state calculation was specified to be greater, (2) the core inlet temperature distribution predicted by a steady-state calculation reasonably agreed with a experimental data, (3) the patterns of core inlet temperature distribution were comprehended to be dependent on the plant type, i.e. the number of primary loop and (4) under a low flow rate condition, the coolant of lower temperature appeared on the opposite side of the affected loop due to the effect of a natural convection.

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