Post test calculations with the accident codes COCOSYS-AIM and ASTEC-IODE were performed on the iodine multi-compartment tests of the German ThAI program (Thermal hydraulics, Aerosols, Iodine). In the tests transport and adsorption/desorption behavior of gaseous I2 were measured in the 60 m3 vessel with a five-compartment configuration under severe accident conditions. The thermal hydraulic modules in COCOSYS and in the containment part of ASTEC (CPA) are nearly identical but not the iodine modules AIM and IODE. The adsorption/desorption model in AIM is based on ThAI data whereas in IODE correlations derived from laboratory-scale tests are used. A 50-zone nodalisation of the ThAI vessel was used with both codes. COCOSYS-AIM and ASTEC-IODE describe qualitatively correctly the I2 concentration differences of several orders of magnitude in periods with stratified atmosphere and the slow homogenization in a convective mixed atmosphere. However, both codes overestimate the gaseous I2 concentration at high relative humidity. The most likely reason is a slow reaction of deposited I2 to the non-volatile FeI2 on the steel surfaces, which has not been modeled sufficiently yet. Further experimental investigations in the ThAI facility are envisaged. A considering of the ThAI data in the I2 adsorption/desorption correlations may improve future ASTEC-IODE results. Nevertheless, the analyses of the large-scale ThAI iodine tests have been an important validation step for COCOSYS-AIM and ASTEC-IODE demonstrating the capability of multi-compartment I2 treatment.
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14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 17–20, 2006
Miami, Florida, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
COCOSYS and ASTEC Analyses of Iodine Multi-Compartment Tests in the ThAI-Facility
G. Weber,
G. Weber
Gesellschaft fu¨r Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Cologne, Germany
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H.-J. Allelein,
H.-J. Allelein
Gesellschaft fu¨r Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Cologne, Germany
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T. Kanzleiter
T. Kanzleiter
Becker Technologies GmbH, Eschborn, Germany
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G. Weber
Gesellschaft fu¨r Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Cologne, Germany
H.-J. Allelein
Gesellschaft fu¨r Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Cologne, Germany
F. Funke
AREVA NP GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
T. Kanzleiter
Becker Technologies GmbH, Eschborn, Germany
Paper No:
ICONE14-89500, pp. 541-549; 9 pages
Published Online:
September 17, 2008
Weber, G, Allelein, H, Funke, F, & Kanzleiter, T. "COCOSYS and ASTEC Analyses of Iodine Multi-Compartment Tests in the ThAI-Facility." Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 2: Thermal Hydraulics. Miami, Florida, USA. July 17–20, 2006. pp. 541-549. ASME.
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