In order to develop a thermal-hydraulic model of the steam-generator (SG) to simulate transient phenomena in the sodium cooled fast breeder reactor (FBR) MONJU, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) verified the SG model using the RELAP5/MOD3 code against the results of the turbine trip test at a 40% power load of MONJU. The modeling by using RELAP5 was considered to explain the significant observed behaviors of the pressure and the temperature of the EV steam outlet, and the temperature of water supply distributing piping till 600 seconds after the turbine trip. The analysis results of these behaviors showed good agreement with the test results based on results of parameter study as the blow efficiency (release coef.) and heat transferred from the helical coil region to the down-comer (temperature heating down-comer tubes). It was found that the RELAP5/MOD3 code with a two-fluids model can predict well the physical situation: the gas-phase of steam generated by the decompression boiling moves upward in the down-comer tubes accompanied by the enthalpy increase of the water supply chambers; and that the pressure change of a “shoulder” like shape is induced by the mass balance between the steam mass generated in the down-comer tubes and the steam mass blown from the SG. The applicability of RELAP5/MOD3 to SG modeling was confirmed by simulating the actual FBR system.
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14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 17–20, 2006
Miami, Florida, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
RELAP5/MOD3 Analysis of Transient Steam-Generator Behavior During Turbine Trip Test of a Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU
Yoshihisa Shindo,
Yoshihisa Shindo
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
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Hiroshi Endo,
Hiroshi Endo
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
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Tomoko Ishizu,
Tomoko Ishizu
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
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Kazuo Haga
Kazuo Haga
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
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Yoshihisa Shindo
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
Hiroshi Endo
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
Tomoko Ishizu
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
Kazuo Haga
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan
Paper No:
ICONE14-89421, pp. 437-445; 9 pages
Published Online:
September 17, 2008
Shindo, Y, Endo, H, Ishizu, T, & Haga, K. "RELAP5/MOD3 Analysis of Transient Steam-Generator Behavior During Turbine Trip Test of a Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU." Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 2: Thermal Hydraulics. Miami, Florida, USA. July 17–20, 2006. pp. 437-445. ASME.
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