The complete understanding of the incubation and growth of microstructurally short cracks is still somewhat beyond the present state-of-the-art explanations. A good example is the intergranular stress corrosion cracking of Inconel 600 in high-temperature water. An effort was therefore made by the authors to construct a computational model of the crack growth kinetics at the grain-size scale. The main idea is to divide continuum (e.g., polycrystalline aggregate) into a set of sub-continua (grains). Random grain structure is modelled using Voronoi-Dirichlet tessellation. Each grain is assumed to be a monocrystal with random orientation of the crystal lattice. Elastic behaviour of grains is assumed to be anisotropic. Crystal plasticity is used to describe (small to moderate) plastic deformation of monocrystal grains. Explicit geometrical modelling of grain boundaries and triple points allows for the development of the incompatible strains along the grain boundaries and at triple points. Finite element method (ABAQUS) is used to obtain numerical solutions of strain and stress fields. The analysis is currently limited to two-dimensional models. Numerical examples illustrate analysis of about one grain boundary long transgranular cracks. In particular, the dependence of crack tip displacements on the random orientation of neighbouring grains is studied. The limited number of calculations performed indicates that the incompatibility strains, which develop along the boundaries of randomly oriented grains, significantly influence the local stress fields and therefore also the crack tip displacements. First attempts are also made to quantify the preferential growth directions of cracks crossing the discontinuities (e.g., grain boundary).

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