Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) completed replacement work of upper reactor internals (UCI) and lower reactor internals (LCI) of the pressurized water reactor in Shikoku Electric Power Company’s Ikata Unit No.1 by “the all-in-one-piece extraction method” introduced in the document of [ICONE14-89233]. In the pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant, the UCI are usually removed from the reactor vessel (RV) independently and reinstalled into the RV again every refueling outage. The LCI are independently able to be removed from the RV and reinstalled again during in-service inspection, too. In the boiling water reactor (BWR) plant, there are several cases of replacing BWR shrouds by cutting small and containing in a container. But no replacement of all reactor internals (CI) for the PWR, in one piece without splitting or cutting, has been reported. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the key points about the design and manufacture of the storage cask for old reactor internals in the replacement work by “the all-in-one-piece extraction method”.

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