Many experiments have been conducted in the past with full-scale rod bundles to develop void fraction correlations or interfacial drag model which can be used to predict the mixture level in a reactor core following a postulated Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). The Cunningham and Yeh correlation was originally developed and validated with boil-off data obtained in the 100 to 400 psia pressure range. Subsequently the validity of the correlation was successfully assessed against several other experiments. However most of the data concentrated in the intermediate to high pressure range (from 100 to 2200 psia). More recently, the development of advanced passive plant such as the AP1000, put more emphasis in the level swell behavior in the near-atmospheric pressure conditions. Following a postulated SBLOCA event for the AP1000 design, the reactor vessel is automatically depressurized to a near atmospheric condition and in the long term the core decay heat is removed by gravity driven injection flow while boiling is occurring in the core. In this paper the Cunningham-Yeh correlation was assessed against data beyond its original data base. Cunningham-Yeh model predictions were compared to several low-flow, low-pressure full-scale rod bundle experiments. Results show that the correlation performs relatively well against low pressure test data. However the Cunningham-Yeh model has the tendency to underpredict the void fraction and therefore to provide conservative results of level swell for plant safety analysis.

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