A one-dimensional analytical model has been developed to be used for the linear analysis of density-wave oscillations in a parallel heated channel. The heated channel is divided into a single-phase and a two-phase region. The two-phase region is represented by the drift-flux model. The model accounts for phasic slip and subcooled boiling. The localized friction at the exit of the heated channel is treated considering the two-phase mixture. The exact equation for the total channel pressure drop is perturbed around the steady state. The stability characteristics of the heated channel are investigated using the Nyquist criterion. The marginal stability boundary (MSB) is determined in the two-dimensional thermodynamic equilibrium space parameters, the subcooled boiling number and the phase change number. The predictions of the model agree well with experimental data published in open literature. (1) The effect of thermal equilibrium, equal velocity (homogeneous) model increases the channel steam quality which leads to decrease in localized exit loss coefficient and finally stabilizes the system. (2) The effect of thermal equilibrium, non-equal velocity (drift-flux) model decreases the channel steam quality than the homogeneous model and finally destabilizes the system. (3) The effect of thermal non-equilibrium, equal velocity model (a) decreases the channel steam quality from high subcooled boiling number to a critical value and destabilizes the system, (b) increases the channel steam quality from the critical value to low subcooled boiling number and stabilizes the system. (4) The effect of thermal non-equilibrium, non-equal velocity model (a) decreases the channel steam quality from high subcooled boiling number to a critical value and destabilizes the system, (b) increases the channel steam quality from the critical value to low subcooled boiling number and stabilizes the system and the frequency of oscillation is in good agreement with the experimental data than the other models.
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12th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
April 25–29, 2004
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Linear Analysis of Density-Wave Oscillations in a Parallel Heated Channel
Hesham Nagah Abdou,
Hesham Nagah Abdou
Centro Atomico Bariloche, Bariloche, Argentina
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Veronica Beatriz Garea,
Veronica Beatriz Garea
INVAP S.E., Bariloche, Argentina
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Axel Eduardo Larreteguy
Axel Eduardo Larreteguy
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Hesham Nagah Abdou
Centro Atomico Bariloche, Bariloche, Argentina
Veronica Beatriz Garea
INVAP S.E., Bariloche, Argentina
Axel Eduardo Larreteguy
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paper No:
ICONE12-49162, pp. 475-484; 10 pages
Published Online:
November 17, 2008
Abdou, HN, Garea, VB, & Larreteguy, AE. "Linear Analysis of Density-Wave Oscillations in a Parallel Heated Channel." Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. 12th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Volume 3. Arlington, Virginia, USA. April 25–29, 2004. pp. 475-484. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE12-49162
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