The “Whole Assembly Seed and Blanket” (WASB) design, which utilizes mostly thorium in the blanket, consists of 84 seed and 109 blanket assemblies which may be backfitted into existing Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). Since the seed assemblies produce significantly more power than the blanket assemblies, a preliminary safety analysis of this design has been performed. Three accidents/transients (Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA), Complete Loss of Primary Flow (LOPF) and Loss of Off-site Power (LOSP)), have been analyzed for both the WASB design and a typical all UO2 design for a typical 4-Loop Westinghouse PWR plant. LBLOCA results show that the peak cladding temperature (PCT) for the WASB design is approximately 260 K higher than that for a typical PWR design. However, this higher PCT for the WASB design is still about 200 K lower than the present regulatory safety limit. The response of the WASB and all UO2 core for LOPF and LOSP transients are very similar, and no post-DNB type rapid cladding temperature rise was observed in either of the two calculations.

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