The various uncertainties and randomness associated with the occurrence of earthquakes and the consequences of their effects on the NPP components and structures call for a probabilistic seismic risk assessment (PSRA). However, traditionally, the seismic design basis ground motion has been specified by normalised response spectral shapes and peak ground acceleration (PGA). The mean recurrence interval (MRI) used to be computed for PGA only. The present work develops uniform hazard response spectra i.e. spectra having the same MRI at all frequencies for Kakrapar Atomic Power Station site. Sensitivity of the results to the changes in various parameters has also been presented. These results determine the seismic hazard at the given site and the associated uncertainties. The paper also presents some results of the seismic fragility for an existing containment structure. The various parameters that could affect the seismic structural response include material strength of concrete, structural damping available within the structure and the normalized ground motion response spectral shape. Based on this limited case study the seismic fragility of the structure is developed. The results are presented as families of conditional probability curves plotted against the peak ground acceleration (PGA). The procedure adopted incorporates the various randomness and uncertainty associated with the parameters under consideration.

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