The interface between overlaid fluids can become unstable when the fluids are excited vertically. Ito et al. (1999) studied a combined excitation problem where the fluids were excited vertically in a stationary cylinder while the interface motion was restricted by the mobility of the fluid-fluid-wall contact line. They found that the contact line exhibits stick-slip-like motion for the combination of fluids and wall material used in their experiments (water and kerosene oil in a cylinder made of acrylic resin). The flow above and beneath the interface is visualized by adding small particles. A vertical, diametral cross section of the test section is illuminated by a 509-nm Argon laser sheet. The experimental data presented in this paper were taken using ‘EXPANCEL’ particle tracer with a typical diameter of 10 µm, added to the water above and beneath the interface. Pictures are taken by a high-speed CCD camera at a rate of 120 frame/s. Each uninterlaced (120 frame/s) video frame is divided into 640 × 480 pixels for image processing. The fluid velocity is obtained for each 2.95 mm × 2.95 mm area by using the PIV technique. Visualization studies have revealed that the nonuniform velocity distribution above and below the interface extends to a much greater depth than the wave amplitude. Streamlines were taken by using Rhodamine-B fluorescent dye which was added to water beneath the interface and excited with an Ar laser fan beam, with a CCD camera.

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