This paper presents preliminary results of a study undertaken to investigate the possibility of raising the power of Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) from 5 to 10 MW (th), keeping the same core configuration and with minimum changes in the primary cooling circuit. The main aim of TRR upgrade is to increase the volume of radioisotope production. The neutronic analysis was carried out for a fresh core with 22 Standard Fuel Elements (SFE) under normal operating conditions. Two different calculational lines were used to simulate the neutronic behavior in the core and perform the necessary neutronic calculations. First, combination of cell calculation transport code WIMS-D/4 [1] and three dimensional core calculation diffusion code CITATION [2] were used to and next a Monte Carlo code MCNP-4B [3] together with point depletion code ORIGEN-2 [4] were used. The results obtained show good agreement between these two different schemes.

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