To evaluate the ability of passive devices in protecting nuclear piping during earthquake a theoretical/experimental campaign has been performed. By means of numerical runs the effect of viscous dampers application on most critical points of a power plant steamline has been evaluated. The principle is to employ a local safety solution against heavy dynamic solicitations placing passive devices in crotch region of bends. The devices location corresponds to an in plane position in respect of the curve. Considerations on structural configuration and stress/strain states are also presented with the aim to respect the philosophy of design/verification requirements stated by the ASME Sct. III Cl.1 code. For experimental tests a C mock-up, whose sizes are derived by a thermal plant steamline, has been suggested and studied [1]. Comparison of numerical data on piping with/without dissipative elements are also included. The impact on the whole structure has been also taken into account. Some of the results included in the paper have been obtained in the E.U. contract named REEDS.

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