This work develops a model to calculate the radionuclides release from a repository for high level radioactive waste, taking into account multiple-canister interface. Once the overpack loses its integrity, the waste glass starts to dissolve by porewater in the bentonite buffer. Bentonite is expected to have hydraulic conductivity more than three orders of magnitude less than that of the surrounding rocks. The migrating nuclide from the buffer region is transported in the near field granite host rock, then releases to the far field of the repository. A mass concentration calculation in the far field of the repository is also included in the model. The model is diffusion-advection model. The model is solved using wavelet Galerkin method (WGM). The model is devised to be fast and compact due to the compactly supported property of the Daubechies’ wavelet. Since the scaling functions are compactly supported only a finite number of the connection coefficients are nonzero. The resultant matrix has block diagonal structure, which can be inverted easily. We tested our model for a try of canisters contains 200 canisters. The results show well agreements with the results obtained from the analytic solution with a proper selection of wavelet-dilation order pairs.

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