Severe vibrational problems occurred in the main steam system of a PWR nuclear power plant, about 18 months after a steam generator replacement had been carried out. The magnitude of the vibrations reached levels at which the operators had to reduce power in order to stay within the operating limits imposed by the nuclear inspectorate. To solve the problem the following analyses methods were employed: • Testing the influence on vibration level from different modes of plant operation; • Analyses of plant measurement data; • Calculations of: – hydraulic behaviour of the system, – structural dynamic behaviour of the system, – flow at the steam generator outlet; • Scale model testing of the steam generator outlet region. Hydraulic flow disturbances in the main steam system were measured using pressure and strain gauges, which made it possible to track individual pressure pulses propagating through the main steam system. Analyses showed that the pressure pulses causing the vibration originated from the vicinity of the steam generator outlet. By using computer codes for network fluid flow analyses the pressure pulses found in the measurement traces could be generated in calculations. Careful studies of the flow at the steam generator outlet region, using model testing in a 1:3 scale model as well as transient 3D CFD calculations, gave clear indications that flow separation occurred at the steam generator outlet nozzle and at the first bend. Finally, by substituting the outlet nozzle for a different design with a multiport nozzle, the steam line vibration problem has been solved.

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