Within the framework of the research program on innovative light water reactors, the SERI (Service of Studies on Innovative Reactors) of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), is presenting a predictive study on the modeling of a low-power integral Pressurized Water Reactor, using the CATHARE thermalhydraulic code. The concept selected for this study is that of the SIR reactor project, developed by AEA-T and ABB consortium. This very interesting concept is no doubt that which is the most complete to this date, and on which most information in the literature can be obtained. Many safety calculations made with the RELAP code are also available and represent a highly interesting base for comparison purposes, in order to improve the approach on the results obtained with CATHARE. A comparison of the behavior of the two codes is thus presented in this article. This study therefore shows that CATHARE finely models this type of new PWR concept. The transients studied cover a large area, ranging from natural circulation to loss of primary coolant accidents. The ATWS and a power transient have also been calculated. The comparison made between the CATHARE and RELAP results shows a very good agreement between the two codes, and leads to a very positive conclusion on the pertinence of simulating an integral PWR. Moreover, even though this study is a thorough investigation on the subject, it confirms the potentially safe nature of the SIR reactor.

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