At present the special attention is given to increase safety of technical systems, and first of all to prevent emergencies connected with heavy ecological and economic consequences. One of perspective ways of prevention of heavy accident is the use of passive accident protection devices. The most distinctly given tendency is displayed in atomic engineering. At this moment a few hundreds technical decisions on accident protection devices of various functional purpose be known. Nevertheless devices to the full satisfying to all showed requirements are not created. New types of passive accident protection devices on a level of temperature and pressure on the basis of technology by capillary-porous lyophobous system (LCPS) are considered. The Lyophobous Passive Accident Protection Device on a level of Temperature (LPAP-T) functions on the basis of high dylatometrical effect of LCPS and represents a design as sylphon, containing capillary-porous matrix and lyophobous liquid, melting at temperature of operation. At a melting the lyophobous liquid leaves from pores of a matrix under Laplas pressure and actuates the working mechanism. Carried out calculate-experimental research have shown, that considered (LPAP-T) have the following characteristics: • range of threshold operation 70°-700° C; • generation of significant efforts (up to 104N); • low dependence a testimonial from of the operational factors. Developed (LPAP-T) has a number of advantages before known, for example by the magnetic thermal passive accident protection devices (generation of efforts), as compared with device presented in Patent USA No. 5051229 (sylphon filled with liquid metal) — threshold character, multichannels of operation.

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