A WCOBRA/TRAC model of an evolutionary pressurized water reactor with direct vessel injection was constructed using publicly available information and a hypothetical double-ended guillotine break of a cold leg pipe was simulated. The model is an approximation of a ABB/Combustion Engineering System 80+ pressurized water reactor (PWR). WCOBRA/TRAC is the thermal-hydraulics code approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for use in realistic large break LOCA analyses of Westinghouse 3- and 4-loop PWRs and the AP600 passive design. The AP600 design uses direct vessel injection, and the applicability of WCOBRA/TRAC to such designs is supported by comparisons to appropriate test data. This study extends the application of WCOBRA/TRAC to the investigation of the predicted behavior of direct vessel injection in an evolutionary design. A series of large break LOCA simulations were performed assuming a core power of 3914 MWt, and Technical Specification limits of 2.5 on total peaking factor and 1.7 on hot channel enthalpy rise factor. Two cladding temperature peaks were predicted during reflood, one following bottom of core recovery and a second caused by saturated boiling of water in the downcomer. This behavior is consistent with prior WCOBRA/TRAC calculations for some Westinghouse PWRs. The simulation results are described, and the sensitivity to failure assumptions for the safety injection system is presented.

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