As for a decommissioning job in Japan decontamination and dismantling including safety store are executed during the prior period of the total project. The reprocessing and disposal of dismantling wastes as well recycling is to be practiced during the succeeding period. An expert system proposed in this paper has a faculty of furnishing motivations for decommissioning planners by correlative estimations of the project between its prior part and the succeeding recycle part of total process. This paper presents both a summarized configuration and an algorithm of the proposed model and indicates some contents of essential data bases (D/B) to be prepared as well some additional data to embody an assumed scenario for recycling. The proposed model provides the useful outputs concerning commercial cost, required procedures or licenses, regional encouragement, obstacles to be surmounted and so on. These outputs are available to explain the outline of the project both to inside and to outside of a plant corporate entity by combining each other. Simulated cases for concrete structures in non-controlled areas bring some information about both feasibility and comparisons of assumed recycling scenarios taking account of quality requirements in relevant technical standards, ordinances and the ability of reprocessing facilities.

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