The RSE-M Code provides rules and requirements for in-service inspection of French Pressurized Water Reactor power plant components. The Code gives non mandatory guidance for analytical evaluation of flaws. To calculate the stress intensity factors in pipes and shells containing semi-elliptical surface defects, influence coefficients are given for a wide range of geometrical parameters. To calculate the J integral for a circumferential surface crack in a straight pipe, simplified methods are available in the present version of the Code (2000 Addenda) for mechanical loads (in-plane bending and torsion moments, pressure), thermal loads as well as for the combination of these loads. This paper presents the recent advances in the development of J-estimation schemes for two configurations: • a longitudinal surface crack in a straight pipe, • a longitudinal surface crack in the mid-section of an elbow.
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10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
April 14–18, 2002
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Progress in the Development of J Estimation Schemes for the RSE-M Code
Patrick Le Delliou,
Patrick Le Delliou
Electricite´ de France R&D, Moret sur Loing Cedex, France
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Jean-Philippe Sermage,
Jean-Philippe Sermage
Electricite´ de France, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
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Pierre Cambefort,
Pierre Cambefort
Electricite´ de France, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
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Bruno Barthelet,
Bruno Barthelet
Electricite´ de France, St Denis Cedex, France
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Philippe Gilles,
Philippe Gilles
Framatome ANP/EERT, Paris La De´fense, France
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Bruno Michel
Bruno Michel
CEA DEN/DER/SERI, St Paul Lez Durance, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Patrick Le Delliou
Electricite´ de France R&D, Moret sur Loing Cedex, France
Jean-Philippe Sermage
Electricite´ de France, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Pierre Cambefort
Electricite´ de France, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Bruno Barthelet
Electricite´ de France, St Denis Cedex, France
Philippe Gilles
Framatome ANP/EERT, Paris La De´fense, France
Bruno Michel
CEA DEN/DER/SERI, St Paul Lez Durance, France
Paper No:
ICONE10-22691, pp. 771-778; 8 pages
Published Online:
March 4, 2009
Le Delliou, P, Sermage, J, Cambefort, P, Barthelet, B, Gilles, P, & Michel, B. "Progress in the Development of J Estimation Schemes for the RSE-M Code." Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. 10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Volume 1. Arlington, Virginia, USA. April 14–18, 2002. pp. 771-778. ASME.
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