Presented in this paper is the transient analysis of a Group Distribution Header (GDH) following a guillotine break at the end of the header. The GDH is the most important component of reactor safety in case of accidents. Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) piping is connected to the GDH piping such that, during an accident, coolant passes from the GDH into the ECCS. The GDH that is propelled into motion after a guillotine break can impact neighboring GDH pipes or the nearest wall of the compartment. Therefore, two cases are investigated: • GDH impact on an adjacent GDH and its attached piping; • GDH impact on an adjacent reinforced concrete wall. A whipping RBMK-1500 GDH along with neighboring concrete walls and pipelines is modeled using finite elements. The finite element code NEPTUNE used in this study enables a dynamic pipe whip structural analysis that accommodates large displacements and nonlinear material characteristics. The results of the study indicate that a whipping GDH pipe would not significantly damage adjacent walls or piping and would not result in a propagation of pipe failures.

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