The dynamic performance of the Fueling Machine (F/M) Heavy Water (D2O) supply system for Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) was evaluated using Modular Modeling System (MMS) computer code. Parametric study has been carried out to investigate the effects of dual common set pressure and the position change rate of series valve on the dynamic behavior of common header pressure and common bleed valve position during the mode changes of supply pressure. The results show that the introduction of the series valve position demand curve and the dual common header set pressure is effective to attenuate the overshoot of common header pressure during mode changes. This does not lead any adverse effects on the system performance of supply pressure control and heavy water supply to F/M during the mode changes. The dynamic evaluation results of the F/M D2O supply system will be used for the new control system parameter settings and help to relieve system operators’ burdens during the system operation.

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