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Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. ICNMM2020, ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, V001T12A001, July 13–15, 2020
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: ICNMM2020-1012
... ones for single-phase flows, and such effect is more pronounced at lower flow rates, when the fluid experiences higher temperature changes. liquid cooling microchannel developing flow EFFECTS OF TAPER CONFIGURATIONS ON HEAT TRANSFER AND PRESSURE DROP IN SINGLE-PHASE FLOWS IN MICROGAPS Debora...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. ICNMM2012, ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 405-410, July 8–12, 2012
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: ICNMM2012-73121
... especially for a polymer device. The study of the influence of different materials such as polymer, copper, aluminum and steel has proven that the selection of highly conductive device material such as aluminum can enhance the heat transfer performance. Short microchannel Liquid cooling Numerical...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. ICNMM2008, ASME 2008 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 677-683, June 23–25, 2008
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: ICNMM2008-62298
... because of the boiling activities in FC-72. At a fixed flow rate, the pin-finned surface yields up to 20% higher heat transfer coefficient and greater critical heat flux than those of a smooth surface. flow boiling convection pin-fin liquid cooling FC-72 Proceedings of the Sixth...