In the microscale structure of a porous electrode, the transport processes are among the least understood areas of SOFC. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) for a porous microscopic media and investigate mass transfer processes with electrochemical reactions by LBM at a mesoscopic and microscopic level. Part of the anode structure of an SOFC for two components is evaluated qualitatively for two different geometry configurations of the porous media. The reaction-diffusion equation has been implemented in the particle distribution function used in LBM. The LBM code in this study is written in the programs MATLAB and Palabos.
It has here been shown that LBM can be effectively used at a mesoscopic level ranging down to a microscopic level and proven to effectively take care of the interaction between the particles and the walls of the porous media. LBM can also handle the implementation of reaction rates where these can be locally specified or as a general source term. It is concluded that LBM can be valuable for evaluating the risk of local harming spots within the porous structure to reduce these interaction sites. In future studies, the information gained from the microscale modeling can be coupled to a macroscale CFD model and help in development of a smooth structure for interaction of the reforming reaction and the electrochemical reaction rates. This can in turn improve the cell performance.