In this work we use a three dimensional Molecular Dynamics simulation method to study the effect of different geometries and Knudsen number regimes on the gas flow in micro-nanochannels. Argon molecules have been used for the simulations. Thermal wall and diffusive-specular wall types were used for the boundaries of the channels. The velocity profiles in the channel were obtained and analyzed with three different channel geometries that are commonly used in the industry: circular, rectangular (square), and slit channel. We found that when using the same driving force, the maximum velocity of the flow increases when the geometry changes in the order from circular geometry to rectangular geometry to slit geometry, where the latter becomes 1.2∼1.5 times as large compared with either the rectangular or circular channel. While the absolute values of the velocity profiles show a distinct difference according to the different geometries, geometry effect on the shape of the velocity profile also shows interesting features. Rectangular tube shows much flatter profile compared with the other two channels. Also the effect of the size of the channels and different Knudsen numbers on the velocity profiles is investigated. Two different sizes were used here: 100nm and 10nm corresponding to typical sizes of a nano channel and carbon nanotubes. We found that the Knudsen number has an effect on the slip and maximum flow velocity for the slit geometry even for higher Knudsen number. For the Kn higher than approximately 3, it was found that the Knudsen number has a small influence on the slip flow velocity for the circular channel and rectangular channel than for lower Knudsen number.

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