Study of flow through porous media has been an area of major interest due to its application in diverse areas like Enhanced Oil Recovery. In order to gain a better understanding of the physical processes taking place inside a porous structure, a large number of attempts have been made to computationally simulate multiphase fluid flow at pore-scale. Recently, application of Lattice Boltzmann Method has gained popularity for this very purpose, considering its relative superiority in dealing with complex boundaries and multiphase flow. However, in order that such a numerical analysis is successful, a proper understanding of the geometry of the pore structure at the microscale is required. This paper uses a Micro-CT scan image of a Berea Sandstone core, which displays a two dimensional representation of pore network inside the scanned sample. The processed image has been imported and simulation of an immiscible two-phase flow has been carried out by using a Lattice Boltzmann program. The resident fluid (oil) has been displaced by the invading fluid (water) due to application of a pressure gradient. The pore surfaces have been treated as solid boundaries and bounce back scheme has been implemented on them to account for the no-slip condition. The ability of the code to import an arbitrary porous geometry and perform numerical analysis of fluid flow has been demonstrated.

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