Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is one of the nondestructive electrokinetic techniques that has immense capability for manipulating nano-sized biomolecules like myoglobin. The present study investigates the behavior of myoglobin molecules on a microelectrode surface under the influence of dielectrophoresis. Microelectrodes are fabricated in transparent borofloat glass wafers with a sequence of microfabrication steps like piranha cleaning, metal deposition, optical lithography and etching. A detailed description of experimental setup to conduct DEP experiments on myoglobin is presented with a brief overview of myoglobin preparation. Silica particles are used to mimic the myoglobin molecules. Both positive DEP and negative DEP effects on silica particles is observed and positive DEP effect on myoglobin is also observed. Positive DEP on silica particles is observed at applied voltage range of 5–10V and frequency range of DC to 1KHz. Negative DEP effect on silica particles is observed at 10V applied voltage and 10KHz to 40KHz frequency range. The positive DEP effect of myoglobin is observed at applied voltage of 5V and frequency of 5kHz.

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