It has been considered that the dry-out is easy to occur in boiling heat transfer for a small channel, a mini or microchannel because the channel was easily filled with coalescing vapor bubbles. In the present study, the experiments of subcooled flow boiling of water were performed under atmospheric condition for a horizontal rectangular channel of which size is 1mm in height and 1mm in width with a flat heating surface of 10mm in length and 1mm in width placed on the bottom of the channel. The heating surface is a top of copper heating block and heated by ceramics heaters. In the high heat flux region of nucleate boiling, about 70 ∼ 80 percent of heating surface was covered with a large coalescing bubble and the boiling reached critical heat flux (CHF) by a high speed video observation. In the beginning of transition boiling, coalescing bubbles were collapsed to many fine bubbles and microbubble emission boiling was observed at higher liquid subcooling than 30K. The maximum heat flux obtained was 8MW/m2 (800W/cm2) at liquid subcooling of higher than 40K and the liquid velocity of 0.5m/s. However, the surface temperature was extremely higher than that of centimeter scale channel. The high speed video photographs indicated that microbubble emission boiling occurs in the deep transition boiling region.

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