This paper treats the complex and very interesting “twin inclined jets in crossflow” configuration. The complexity of the problem originates from the double interaction occurring between the jets on one hand and between the jets and the crossflow on the other hand. The interest of the configuration is essentially due to its presence in more than an application (VSTOL aircrafts, chimney stacks, etc..) and in more than a field (industrial, academic, etc..). For the matter an experimental study and a numerical simulation were conducted. The experiments were carried out in a wind tunnel. The results were tracked by means of the PIV technique. That could provide us with the velocity and the turbulence cartographies. The numerical processing was based upon the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations by means of two different turbulent models: the standard k-ε model and the RSM (Reynolds Stress Model) second order turbulent model. The confrontation of their corresponding results together with the experimental data decided on the better efficiency of the RSM model to represent well the different processes occurring within the resulting flowfield. After that, a non uniform grid particularly tightened near the injection nozzles was adopted. Once the validation reached, we could generalize our study to introduce a non reacting fume through the twin jet nozzles and to test the impact of two major factors on the mixing process; we want to mean the initial transverse inclination of the injection nozzles.
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ASME 2008 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels
June 23–25, 2008
Darmstadt, Germany
Conference Sponsors:
- Nanotechnology Institute
Dynamic and Thermal Evolution of Twin Inclined Jets Among a Cool Crossflow: Jets’ Inclination Impact
Amina Radhouane,
Amina Radhouane
Ecole Nationale d’Inge´nieurs de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
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Nejla Mahjoub Sai¨d,
Nejla Mahjoub Sai¨d
Ecole Nationale d’Inge´nieurs de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
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Hatem Mhiri,
Hatem Mhiri
Ecole Nationale d’Inge´nieurs de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
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George Lepalec,
George Lepalec
Institut de Me´canique de Marseille, Marseille, France
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Philippe Bournot
Philippe Bournot
Institut de Me´canique de Marseille, Marseille, France
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Amina Radhouane
Ecole Nationale d’Inge´nieurs de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
Nejla Mahjoub Sai¨d
Ecole Nationale d’Inge´nieurs de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
Hatem Mhiri
Ecole Nationale d’Inge´nieurs de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
George Lepalec
Institut de Me´canique de Marseille, Marseille, France
Philippe Bournot
Institut de Me´canique de Marseille, Marseille, France
Paper No:
ICNMM2008-62202, pp. 1445-1454; 10 pages
Published Online:
June 11, 2009
Radhouane, A, Mahjoub Sai¨d, N, Mhiri, H, Lepalec, G, & Bournot, P. "Dynamic and Thermal Evolution of Twin Inclined Jets Among a Cool Crossflow: Jets’ Inclination Impact." Proceedings of the ASME 2008 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. ASME 2008 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Darmstadt, Germany. June 23–25, 2008. pp. 1445-1454. ASME.
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