This article presents an overview on research results from various projects, which deal with one common problem: gas flow in hot porous materials. First, the solar air receiver, which converts concentrated solar radiation into heat in an air circuit, is described as far as the basic principle and the materials employed are concerned. Then, results from experiments in concentrated solar radiation are presented. Materials employed in these applications are extruded ceramic materials as well as metal and ceramic foams with pore sizes on the milli- and micrometer scale. As it turned out, the material properties significantly influence the efficiency of the solar air receiver. It is shown, that under specific conditions flow instability occurs, which may lead to a thermal overload of the material. Measures to avoid these overloads are proposed. Two approaches how to predict gas flow theoretically are reported. Additionally, it is shown, how material quantities such as pressure drop characteristics influence the flow behaviour and the temperature distribution inside the material. Finally, before a conclusion is given, two further applications, which have been dealt with because similar phenomena occur, are reported: an advanced cross flow particle filter and a gas turbine cooling system.

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