Bubble behavior and pressure fluctuation during boiling are modeled for enhanced surfaces with surface pores and sub-surface channels. The hydraulic diameter of the channels is about 0.42 mm. It is assumed that the latent heat flux is solely generated by thin-film evaporation on the channel surface. The evaporation rate is given by a semi-empirical correlation including effects of surface tension and liquid viscosity. The activation pressure and the bubble departure size are different for different pores. The vapor pressure inside the bubble is related to the channel pressure by the orifice equation. The bubble growth rate is determined by a modified Rayleigh equation. The vapor mass in a given channel volume is given by the mass conservation equation. Thus the instantaneous channel pressure and vapor volume can be determined which, in turn, govern the dynamic processes of bubble initiation and growth on various pores. This model demonstrates for the first time the dynamic picture of boiling phenomena on enhanced surfaces, e.g. the instantaneous activation, growth and detachment of bubbles on various pores, the fluctuation of channel pressure and vapor mass etc.. The model has been tested for boiling of propane and isobutane on an enhanced tube. The predictions agree reasonably well with the experiments.

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