This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of fluid flow and single-phase heat transfer of water in stainless steel capillary tubes. Three tube diameters are tested: 172 μm, 290 μm and 520 μm, while the Reynolds number varying from 200 up to 6000. Fluid flow experimental results indicate that in laminar flow regime the friction factor is in good agreement with the Hagen-Poiseuille theory for Reynolds number below 800–1000. For higher values of Reynolds number, experimental data depart from the Hagen-Poiseuille law to the side of higher f values. The transition from laminar to turbulent regime occurs for Reynolds number in the range 1800–3000. This transition is found in good agreement with the well known flow transition for rough commercial tubes. Heat transfer experiments show that heat transfer correlations in laminar and turbulent regimes, developed for conventional size tubes, are not adequate for calculation of heat transfer coefficient in microtubes. In laminar flow the experimental values of heat transfer coefficient are generally higher than those calculated with the classical correlation, while in turbulent flow regime experimental data do not deviate significantly from classical heat transfer correlations. Deviation from classical heat transfer correlations increase as the channel diameter decrease.

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