High-Speed Direct Injection (HSDI) diesel engines are increasingly used in automotive applications due to superior fuel economy. An advanced CFD simulation has been carried out to analyze the effect of injection timing on combustion process and emission characteristics in a four valves 2.0L Ford diesel engine. The calculation was performed from intake valve closing (IVC) to exhaust valve opening (EVO) at constant speed of 1600 rpm. Since the work was concentrated on the spray injection, mixture formation and combustion process, only a 60° sector mesh was employed for the calculations. For combustion modeling, an improved version of the Coherent Flame Model (ECFM-3Z) has been applied accompanied with advanced models for emission modeling. The results of simulation were compared against experimental data. Good agreement of calculated and measured in-cylinder pressure trace and pollutant formation trends were observed for all investigated operating points. In addition, the results showed that the current CFD model can be applied as a beneficial tool for analyzing the parameters of the diesel combustion under HSDI operating condition.

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