Motivated by the need to achieve greater efficiency in the product development cycle, engine manufacturers in the heavy-duty industry are relying more and more on analytical tools to help resolve performance issues, minimize testing costs and reduce time to market. This is particularly the case in the area of power cylinder development, since the physical phenomena occurring within the cylinders are difficult to observe and quantify. However, analytical tools are useful only if they are able to accurately represent the physical systems that they are supposed to simulate. It therefore becomes critical to establish a correlation between model predictions and empirical measurements. To this end, a correlation study was initiated comparing power cylinder analytical modeling results to empirical measurements in a John Deere 6135H 13.5L I-6 engine. The engine test measurements that were carried out included cylinder pressure, piston land pressure, engine blowby, and lube oil consumption. The correlation parameters considered in the study included piston land gas pressures, power cylinder contribution to engine blowby, and lube oil consumption mechanisms.

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