As a part of the upgradation program of its fleet of 1940 kW diesel electric locomotives, Indian Railways undertook evaluation, matching and optimization of different turbochargers. The objective was to increase engine output, improve fuel efficiency and limit thermal loading. Trials with different makes of turbochargers using different combinations of diffuser, nozzle rings and compressors were carried out for identifying the optimum configuration for an uprated engine rating of 2310 kW. Test bed evaluations have been carried out on Research Design & Standards Organization (RDSO) test beds for four different designs of turbochargers with different configurations. Two types of surge tests were carried out at each operating point i.e. constant brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) and constant power. In the first case, BMEP was kept constant and engine speed varied and in the second case, power was kept constant and engine speed was varied. The tests consisted of recording the parameters at various combinations of engine speed and power. With different combinations, the highest operating point for a test was governed by peak firing pressures. Some of the parameters, which were monitored, were the compressor air inlet temperature, representative peak firing pressures, turbine inlet temperature, average cylinder head temperature, brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and air manifold temperature. This paper discusses the methods adopted in carrying out these evaluations and optimizations and the results obtained thereof along with the decision criteria for making final selections.

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