The topic of this paper is the performance of a prechamber for use in a large bore two stroke natural gas engine. With increased regulation of emissions from stationary natural gas engines, there has been interest in modification of the combustion process, such as extending the lean limit, to reduce NOx emissions. One promising combustion technique uses an ignition prechamber. CFD models of a prechamber and the cylinder were developed in order to simulate the performance of a prechamber ignition system. The modeling included a full three dimensional transient analysis with scavenging, moving piston, and main chamber fuel injection. The CFD analysis included the fuel injection into the prechamber, pressurization by the inflowing main chamber gases, spark ignition, combustion, and flame propagation into the main combustion chamber. The computations indicated that the prechamber is more well mixed than the main engine chamber, with the prechamber mixture close to stoichiometric for better ignition. There is a strong, well-organized vortex in the prechamber induced by the incoming jet from the main chamber. The combustion flame in the prechamber travels in the direction of the gas vortex along lines of increasing equivalence ratio. The flame then propagates across the main cylinder in a very uniform fashion, indicating that there is sufficient energy to ignite the lean, partially mixed mixture in the main chamber. The orientation of the prechamber nozzle was also investigated, and an orientation of twenty degrees relative to the main chamber was found to produce a flame that did not impinge on the piston.

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