Each year, the users in the U.S. alone spend over $100 billion on various type of engines to produce power — electrical, mechanical, and thermal. Despite technological advances, most all of these power generation systems have only been fine tuned: the engine efficiencies may have been improved slightly, but the underlying thermodynamic principles have not been modified to effect a drastic improvement. The result is that most engines in service today suffer from two major problems: low fuel efficiency and emission of high levels of polluting gases in the exhaust gases. The current state of propulsion engines or distributed generation technologies using heat engines shows an average efficiency of between 20% and 40%. These low efficiencies in a high–cost energy market indicate a great need for more efficient technologies. This paper describes a new method of achieving a very high efficiency, namely optimizing every stage of the thermodynamic process-Brayton cycle. Two modified processes, such as isothermal compression and recuperation, add about 35% efficiency to the conventional Brayton cycle, making 60% efficiency for modified Brayton cycle. By utilizing a positive displacement compressor and expander with a novel vortex combustion chamber and a vortex recuperator, high levels of efficiency with low emissions and noise are possible. The prototype engine with low RPM and high torque has been built which use continuous combustion of different fuels under a constant pressure. First results of the engine’s components testing are presented.

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