Driving a generator, a hydraulic pump or another piece of equipment off the front of an engine is commonplace in industrial and marine applications. The (front-driven) equipment is sometimes an afterthought, a retrofit applied without due attention and proper analysis. How risky can this be? Additional equipment will, as a minimum, change the natural frequencies of the system. Adding another natural frequency that can be excited within the operating range of the system is quite common. In addition to this, if the added equipment is of substantial moment of inertia and connected to the damper rigidly enough, it may change the damper behaviour to the point of endangering the engine crankshaft. What should we know and which analysis should be completed before the decision is made to “just drive that PTO off the front of the main engine”?
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ASME 2003 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference
May 11–14, 2003
Salzburg, Austria
Conference Sponsors:
- Internal Combustion Engine Division
Influence of Front Driven Equipment on Viscous Damper and System Behaviour
Donna I. Denny,
Donna I. Denny
Pacific Rim Engineered Products, Langley, BC, Canada
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Vladimir Scekic
Vladimir Scekic
Pacific Rim Engineered Products, Langley, BC, Canada
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Donna I. Denny
Pacific Rim Engineered Products, Langley, BC, Canada
Vladimir Scekic
Pacific Rim Engineered Products, Langley, BC, Canada
Paper No:
ICES2003-0553, pp. 271-279; 9 pages
Published Online:
February 4, 2009
Denny, DI, & Scekic, V. "Influence of Front Driven Equipment on Viscous Damper and System Behaviour." Proceedings of the ASME 2003 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference. Design, Application, Performance and Emissions of Modern Internal Combustion Engine Systems and Components. Salzburg, Austria. May 11–14, 2003. pp. 271-279. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/ICES2003-0553
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