
Dismantling the internals of Nuclear Power Reactors is known to be the most challenging part technically, mechanically and in terms of safety. This task currently requires years of planning and at least a year longer to execute. The purpose of LD-SAFE project (H2020 project composed of an European Consortium of 6 companies: ONET Technologies, CEA, IRSN, Tecnatom, EQUANS and Vysus Group) is to demonstrate that both in-air and underwater laser cutting technologies are operational for the dismantling of the most challenging components of Nuclear Power Reactors. To do so, the project intends to demonstrate that, laser cutting technique is as safe as the best cutting techniques currently used, even safer for the workers and environment, does not add any new constraints, is cost effective to dismantle the challenging power reactor components, is simpler to implement on site and suited to the complex dismantling of reactor internals.

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