
Nucleco S.p.A is an Italian operator in the field of radioactive waste management. The waste is generally accepted in the temporary storage and subsequently characterized via a combination of Non-Destructive and Destructive Techniques defined according to the radiological spectrum of the waste. The information on the origin, physical state and radiological content are used to define the waste treatment strategy. Treatment processes are performed inside Nucleco Solid radioactive waste Treatment Plant and Liquid radioactive waste Treatment Plant. Finally, the properly conditioned waste is packaged into qualified drums and safely stored in Nucleco temporary repositories.

In the framework of the above-mentioned activities, Nucleco developed a database (DB-waste) to centralize and manage all the information concerning radioactive waste, from collection to storage.

DB-waste is strongly connected to Nucleco process flow and plants and its features include recording of new data, consultation and querying of available information, preparation of documentation to be sent to the Regulatory Authority and update to meet compliance with both new legislative requirements and operating license of the Site. Moreover, in a future perspective, 3D reconstruction of Nucleco temporary storage could be implemented into DB-waste.

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