Deactivation and decommissioning (D&D) work is a high-risk and technically challenging enterprise within the U.S. Department of Energy complex. During the past three decades, the DOE’s Office of Environmental Management has been in charge of carrying out one of the largest environmental restoration efforts in the world: the cleanup of the Manhattan Project legacy.
In today’s corporate world, worker experiences and knowledge that have developed over time represent a valuable corporate asset. The ever-dynamic workplace, coupled with an aging workforce, presents corporations with the ongoing challenge of preserving work-related experiences and knowledge for cross-generational knowledge transfer to the future workforce [5]. To prevent the D&D knowledge base and expertise from being lost over time, the DOE and the Applied Research Center at Florida International University (FIU) have developed the web-based Knowledge Management Information Tool (KM-IT) to capture and maintain this valuable information in a universally available and easily accessible and usable system. The D&D KM-IT was developed in collaboration with DOE Headquarters (HQ), the Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG), and the ALARA [as low as reasonably achievable] Centers at Savannah River Sites to preserve the D&D information generated and collected by the D&D community. This is an open secured system that can be accessed from over the web and through mobile devices at
This knowledge system serves as a centralized repository and provides a common interface for D&D-related activities. It also improves efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge and promotes the reuse of existing knowledge. It is a community-driven system that facilitates the gathering, analyzing, storing, and sharing of knowledge and information within the D&D community. It assists the DOE D&D community in identifying potential solutions to their problem areas by using the vast resources and knowledge base available throughout the global D&D community.
The D&D KM-IT offers a mechanism to the global D&D community for searching relevant D&D information and is focused on providing a single point of access into the collective knowledge base of the D&D community within and outside of the DOE. Collecting information from subject matter specialists, it builds a knowledge repository for future reference archiving Lessons Learned, Best Practices, ALARA reports, and other relevant documents and maintains a secured collaboration platform for the global D&D community to share knowledge. With the dynamic nature and evolution of the D&D knowledge base due to multiple factors such as changes in the workforce, new technologies and methodologies, economics, and regulations, the D&D KM-IT is being developed in a phased and modular fashion.